Artist, Illustrator, Photographer, Writer, Thinker, Existentialist.

Thursday 3 November 2011

How Soon Is Now?

This publication project that I'm doing, the plan is to illustrate the things I have written using typography and collage. At the moment I'd say I was going through a creative block, I'm probably exaggerating but I don't feel enthusiastic about anything. I mean, I've accomplished many things in the past few years and I've done well for myself even if I think that I haven't.
I'm not sure what instigated this 'block', but constantly being told about family quarrels isn't helping matters. Another thing that preys on my my mind is that I'm never good enough, this is stupid because it is pointless worrying about such things; things always work out.
I think what seems to have fucked me up more than anything is the F-word (family). Right now there are things going on back "Home" and which I'm told about, it may sound heartless and cold but I really couldn't care less. I have my own life and problems to think about, whatever is going on there has nothing to with me; I'm not a part of it.
As soon as I finish my course I doubt I'll speak to my Mum again, the reason why I have to do so is because I need forms signing. That sounds really bad, doesn't it? It's ridiculous when you aren't classed as independent and you're living away from home receiving no support whatsoever from your Mum.

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